Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Have you really taken the time to ask yourself WHY?

Why do I want to lose weight?
Why do I want to quit smoking?
Why do I want to begin a ministry?
Why do I want to get out of debt?
Why do I want to ........

I know when I answered these questions from a 'me' standpoint - because I want to look good in a certain dress.....because I want to smell better.....basically selfish reasons, temporary reasons.
the I kept me from being successful, the motivation just wasn't there so the laziness and reasons why I shouldn't or can't do it weighed heavily on me. That was uncomfortable so I quit trying.

When I asked myself if this is something God wanted me to do, had a confirmation - then I would ask those why questions again.
So now I ask from a spiritual standpoint, from what God's word says - and I'm more motivated than I have ever been!
I want to be healthy because God made my
body and His spirt lives in me.
I need to be healthy so I can do
Kingdom work.
I want my body to function the way
He created it to function.
I know that stopping the cigarette addiction
will improve my health in many ways.
I want to be debt free so I can start a ministry,
give to missions, enjoy life and
be a blessing.

There is so much to be said about having a desire to accomplish something and moving forward because you know it's Gods will for you. He will equip you. We have to do our part, we can't just sit and say okay, you can start taking this extra weight off of me anytime now God......
No, we have to get up and do what we can. If you can only do 3 minutes on a treadmill or 5 minutes of a workout - do it! As you obey and draw upon the strength of the Lord you will begin to see that move up to 7 minutes then 10 minutes - it keeps going up until you reach a good workout schedule.

I heard part of an awesome sermon that I found interesting. The pastor was talking about passing the offering basket, instead of using the excuse of not being able to quit smoking - put those cigarettes in the basket and say, this is my offering I release my addiction to You, Lord. That's a good first step to take.

I have tried for years to get back into an exercise program and a better way of eating. I failed more times than I care to count. Yes I did lose weight and did ok for awhile but then I would get lazy, not see my goal anymore and the weight came back plus more!

About 6 or 7 months ago I heard (in my spirit) the Lord calling me to get healthy, to be prepared for things to come. Whether that is traveling with my husband as he begins to write music again or in some other ministry, I want to be ready. I have a goal and I have the Lord's promise that He will help me and He has! I have gone from the 3 minutes to 30 minutes on an elliptical. I have found a DVD I look forward to exercising to.
Has every day been easy? NOPE but I now take the time to seek God and see if it's truly a day my body needs rest or if it's a lie. I'm retraining my mind to not fall into the pit of thinking about how bad I feel to - this will pass, I'm feeling better and will feel better when I get some kind of exercise in. I have found that most days all I needed was to get up and get moving.

No more excuses! You can change what you know needs to be changed in your life. My pity party is over!